Sunday, November 23, 2014

Blog Post 14

Teaching Can be Professional

     The article stated three problems with teaching. The article was written by Joel Klein. The article was titled, "Teaching our children can be a profession."The three problems being teachers need better academic training, recruit more teachers, and reward teachers. The solutions for the three problem that were proposed was that teachers make their own board to police the profession, setting
standards and providing mechanisms for removing bad teachers.

   I agree with the problem of better academic training. I think that if the teachers had a board to police the profession it would help the future teachers. The board could police the teachers who are teaching the future teachers. The board could also help prepare better ways to incorporate technology to help prepare future teachers for when they get into the classroom.

  I do not agree with recruit teachers. I think teachers are all natural teachers. I think recruiting more teachers will only lead to more bad teachers. I think you will bring in people that will not really wanting to be teachers. I do know we need more teachers but I think you cannot openly recruit teachers. If you are going to bring in more teachers you need to find a way to encourage them by showing how teachers are appreciated. I think most teachers feel under appreciated. I do not agree with recruitment of teachers. I think if you are not 100% committed to teaching then you cannot be a teacher.

 I think you do have to reward the teachers. Rewarding teachers will lead to more teachers. You can reward the teachers by showing them how much they are worth. Good teachers do not come along often. You reward these teachers by giving them raises. They deserve raises because teaching is one of the toughest job. If you remove the bad teachers that is reward to the good teachers because bad teachers being removed will help encourage that only good teaching is accepted in the field of education.

  They many other problems in teaching. Teaching has not met expectations for the past years. Not meeting the expectations has lead to many holes in education. Teaching can be the base of helping a lot of problems in the world. Everyone has to be taught and everyone has to learn. We have to help decide who is teaching the teachers. Teachers can never quit learning.

1 comment:

  1. Isaac,
    We share a lot of the same opinions about the topics in this article. I agree that academic training should be improved for prospective teachers. I also think that teachers should be rewarded for their performances. You made some interesting points in your post! Just make sure to proofread to avoid grammatical errors! :) Great job!
