Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Blog Post #5 Part 2

PLN Summary

          My PLN is doing great. I have added some people that I did not expect into my group. I added a friend that goes to the University of Alabama and  a retired vice principal. I think I can add more people in the PLN. I need to use more connection with technology. I think I could tweet and connect more with people in the education field. I am happy with my PLN because I have added many people that I have looked up too. I think the most beneficial to any PLN is to have a group that brings good ideas and can help you think outside of the box. Teaching can always be improved. I think my PLN will help improve my teaching until I retire. I was some nervous when assembling my PLN. My additional adds were because they are very knowledgeable. Grant Allen is a future history teacher and he is my age. I met him when I went to Alabama. I like the add because it helps for someone my age to bounce ideas off of. I think my PLN has to still improve, but I am on the right track. The PLN is there to be a learning network. I have to make sure  I learn in the network. I am sure there are many changes to come before my PLN is completely done. 

Teacher Comments Summary #4

Teacher Comments Summary #4

        We were given the option to choose who we commented on this month. I picked Anne Palmer and Nathan Horne. Anne Palmer is a elementary school teacher. Nathan Horne is a PE teacher. I chose to mix it up because I like to see other teacher's opinion. I think it will help give me ideas out of the box. 

    Anne Palmer's blog called for more in depth reading. It was really informative of how kids do not read comprehend the material. I think it is because most students read to pass the standardize test. Nathan Horne's blog was a great read for a future PE teacher. He created a PE cook book. He did not incorporate in his classroom, but I thought it would a great PBL project for PE. I enjoyed reading all of the teacher's blog because of the information you receive. We have not been in a classroom yet. It gives everyone a idea of the classroom. 

Sunday, November 23, 2014

C4K Summary November

C4K Summary November

        My last month of kid comments had me feeling like it was 2002. 2002 was the year I was in the 5th grade. All of the blog's I commented on was the 5th grade. The difference being that I commented on a 5th grader's blog in Ontario to Chula, California. The girl in Ontario had the best blog I read this month. She wanted to end Taylor Swift music. It might be personal to me but I totally agree. All of the blogs this month was great. I enjoyed all of them. I think this month was the most fun to read. I was introduced to Greek mythology. The blogs all had a clear agenda and was stated with facts. I have been thoroughly impressed on how well written every blog was. It did not matter the age of the author. Have a Happy Thanksgiving! 


Blog Post 14

Teaching Can be Professional

     The article stated three problems with teaching. The article was written by Joel Klein. The article was titled, "Teaching our children can be a profession."The three problems being teachers need better academic training, recruit more teachers, and reward teachers. The solutions for the three problem that were proposed was that teachers make their own board to police the profession, setting
standards and providing mechanisms for removing bad teachers.

   I agree with the problem of better academic training. I think that if the teachers had a board to police the profession it would help the future teachers. The board could police the teachers who are teaching the future teachers. The board could also help prepare better ways to incorporate technology to help prepare future teachers for when they get into the classroom.

  I do not agree with recruit teachers. I think teachers are all natural teachers. I think recruiting more teachers will only lead to more bad teachers. I think you will bring in people that will not really wanting to be teachers. I do know we need more teachers but I think you cannot openly recruit teachers. If you are going to bring in more teachers you need to find a way to encourage them by showing how teachers are appreciated. I think most teachers feel under appreciated. I do not agree with recruitment of teachers. I think if you are not 100% committed to teaching then you cannot be a teacher.

 I think you do have to reward the teachers. Rewarding teachers will lead to more teachers. You can reward the teachers by showing them how much they are worth. Good teachers do not come along often. You reward these teachers by giving them raises. They deserve raises because teaching is one of the toughest job. If you remove the bad teachers that is reward to the good teachers because bad teachers being removed will help encourage that only good teaching is accepted in the field of education.

  They many other problems in teaching. Teaching has not met expectations for the past years. Not meeting the expectations has lead to many holes in education. Teaching can be the base of helping a lot of problems in the world. Everyone has to be taught and everyone has to learn. We have to help decide who is teaching the teachers. Teachers can never quit learning.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Blog Post 13

Physical education has changed in the last 20 years. 
Teaching has changed in the last five years. 
Use the source of the interview with the teacher Charlotte Wiggins to answer the question.
 What do you think will change the most in PE in the next 20 years?

Back to the Future: What will PE be in 2034?

     I interviewed a teacher who has been the field for 28 years. Charlotte Wiggins is an 1985 graduate of South Alabama. Mrs. Wiggins taught elementary PE for 25 years. She now teaches high school PE. I think what is interesting is the year she started teaching which was in 1986. Computers were finally becoming "personal computers." The interview was only five minute video. I had much more questions that was asked and answered. The most important I asked was, "Did you ever think you teach in such a technology classroom." She shook her head no. I think no one did. Especially, PE I think most people still do not think technology can be used much in PE. 

  I think you have to be adaptable every day. So in sense do not be concrete. I think abstract is what everyone needs to be. The classroom will change in the next twenty years. I think PE can get somewhat more modern technology in it. I think PE will become more of an intro to health and kinesilogy. Obesity is a growing problem in the United States. I know one of the best way to combat this problem is with exercise. I think though it would be more beneficial to the student to learn how to become more healthy. I know most people would say that is why they take a health class in school. I think health is better taught with a hands on approach. Science class takes you in lab to do experiments. They take you in lab to show you what you cannot. I think PE will and can become a lab experiment. We will teach the student about how the body works and show them. You have PE every school day. I know you can do so much with this teaching style because you can have a "lab," everyday. I do not think they will take away basketball or dodge ball. The brilliant thing about this is you can use any physical activity to teach this. You can also have the students blog about the activity. They can document what they consumed that day. They could see how they performed. I think PE does not have to teach you just how to eat. I think PE will and can be an actual educational class instead of just outside or inside play time. If PE does this in the next twenty years. PE can start to actually benefit people for years to come.

Project 12 Part B

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Teacher Comments Summary 3

   Teacher Comments Summary 3
   I had the pleasure of reading a teacher's blog by the name of Brendan Jones. He is trying to put PE in the 21st century. I am going to be a PE teacher. Mr. Jones' blog appealed to me very deeply. PE is the one subject where change is not expected. I guess technology is not expected in the classroom.

   Mr. Jones is using his PE class for exercise and experiments. The last blog I read talked about how he is using the myth buster approach in his class. He thought it will be a good idea to have the students myth bust sports skills. Some of the impossible to decide if it is skill or not. In his first blog post, I read he was talking about the importance of preparation compared to a play. How a play is not perfect? I thought he was right because no play is perfect.You practice to do the best you can in that situation. You cannot practice for every particular situation. Mr. Jones made me excited about becoming a PE teacher.

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Blog Post 11

What Can We Learn About Teaching and Learning from Students?

     Back to the Future is the perfect video to show you the modern classroom and all what can be achieved in the classroom in this generation. The video shows you one thing that has never changed and that is you have to make your student's want information. You have to engage them in order for them to want information. Mr. Crosby does this with his science projects. He also has them blog. The blogging helps you make connections. The student's collaborating with blogs and group projects will help them learn more by learning from each other. Future teachers can learn that you have to sell the information to your students, but more importantly make sure they buy it. 

  Mr. Paul Anderson teaches biology. Biology is one of the most interesting subjects. Biology is also really in depth and contains quite a bit of information. He relies on the "power of the question." We have learned how important a question can be in the classroom. The blended learning cycle helps the "deep question." It revolves around a cycle of experiencing, reflecting, thinking, and applying. The teachers can take away from this video how their questions make the students use the blending learning cycle. 

  Mark Church has his class work in groups. He ask them a prediction of the group. He will ask them later to see the outcome of the group. The groups once again use collaboration learning. I think it is one of the best way to teach. Many people think the teacher has to lecture to teach. The teacher setting these groups up are teaching more with the group then with a lecture. I remember hearing other people's opinion on a story when I was younger. I remember hearing their points and wondering who is right. The students are thinking. Thinking leads to learning. Future teachers can learn to teach outside of lectures in the classroom from this video. 

  The best video I watched. It showed me how creative a teacher can be. Internet safety needs to be a concern to everyone. Student's have to be aware of the dangers of the internet. The cool part of the video is the students made their own comic book. The creativity is off of the charts. The comic book making engages everyone. It can engage the whole school district. The comic book strip teaches safety too. The student are pushed to be so creative in this project. Teachers everywhere can learn to be creative and original. Always be brand new or strive to be in the classroom. 

  It was another original idea. It combined three subjects into one project. PBL is already one of the most out the box teaching methods. The video showed how you can go past the box. It is no limit to teaching, Students get bored in school. It will happened, but it will rarely happened if teachers can continue to go past the box. We can learn that there is no limit to how you can teach material in today's school systems. Technology is limitless and so is teaching and learning. 

  Once again another great video of what PBL can do for the students. PBL not only shows how the students learn more. It shows how it build you into a better student. PBL done correctly no matter the grade will make you a better student for years to come. We can learn from this video that you have to make sure you are making your students better even after the bell rings for the last day of that school year.